AIME, music and NewVote
Tom Wensley (Director) - 17 October 2019
I’m a volunteer director of NewVote and I’m so excited to have been recorded in my first ever podcast interview Download it or check it out by clicking this link:
Binge Thinking Episode 54 - Mentoring, Democracy and Music with Tom Wensley
I understand! A lot of you don’t have time for a 70 minute podcast right now!
Here’s a few excerpts before you go about your day:
“… I find myself spiralling into a state of disillusionment with the world on a regular basis. The problems are almost endless. But there are ways of dealing with these things, and both AIME and NewVote are some of the examples of things people are doing to solve those problems…
… Our hope for NewVote ultimately is to provide a means to allow people to be heard. To have their voices recognised by the people in power. To create a tidal wave of political engagement so that we can actually do something directly on issues to solve problems so that we can have action on serious problems...
… My passion, if there were one unifying theme, its the idea of creating bridges between people. I think a big part of the problem today, or the struggles that we have, is that we operate in silos and we’re not hearing each other. And when we can provide the platforms or means to hear each other its incredible how empathetic and kind and caring almost anyone can be. I’m really passionate about those bridges.
I'm passionate about finding ways of bridging the divisions that lie between us.
I think there's a lot of listening that we all probably need to do.
We need to listen to each other,
we need to listen to indigenous people's stories,
we need to understand why we are where we are,
we need to listen to environmentalist,
we need to listen to people that are miners,
we need to understand why we think the way we think,
and if we can do that, if we can provide a space for listening, then we can come together.
… the more we can facilitate the creation of bridges between us, the better.”
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